What is Organic Cotton? How is Organic Cotton grown?

Introduction To Organic Cotton And Its Benefits- Cotton is the world’s most popular fiber, with about 27 million tons of annual global production. Unfortunately, the cycle of conventional cotton production is vicious– it consumes selfish amounts of water and employs around 22% of global insecticides and pesticides combined. Over the years, with consumers and organizations preferring more sustainable fibers, organic cotton now has a growing market. Fashion brands have begun using organic or recycled cotton fibers in response to the demand shift.

Organic cotton DEFINItion - What exactly is organic cotton?

Organic cotton is cultivated using natural fertilizers, compost, bio-pesticides, etc. It does not incorporate the use of synthetic or chemical fertilizers or GMOs. The production method of organic cotton has a low impact on the environment, contributing to biodiversity while also balancing the nutrients in the soil.

Organic Certifications:

Products made with organic cotton require third-party certification from international organizations like USDA’S NOP (NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM) standards and GOTS (GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STANDARD), regulating the highest standards for textile production. The certification validates traceability and integrity, indicating that the crop was produced using organic methods and meets social and environmental criteria. GOTS certification adds credibility to the final product, allowing the buyer to ascertain the authenticity of the product.

Organic Cotton Benefits - Why Choose Organic Cotton?

  • Organic cotton is biodegradable

    • Organic cotton decomposes at a faster rate with the right composting method. A study revealed cotton samples to have a high degradation rate (polyester is the lowest with a degradation rate of less than 1% weight loss). Unlike conventional cotton which releases all the toxins into the soil when it degrades, organic cotton is compostable, making it safer for soil and organisms that depend on it.

  • Cost-effective cultivation

    • Organic cotton farming does not allow hazardous or artificial chemicals which saves farmers from spending on expensive artificial fertilizers and Genetically Modified (GM) seeds. Without relying on large (and few) corporations for GMO seeds and fertilizers, farmers save their seeds year after year, sustainably working with the environment.

  • Hypoallergenic

    • Organic cotton products are a good choice for people with sensitive skin because it is non-irritable and soft. Being free from chemical treatment allows organic cotton to retain a gentler texture than conventional cotton.

  • Durable and sustainable

    • Organic cotton goes through less processing with no chemicals to weaken the fibers. This allows the products to feel better and last longer. It has the potential to reduce 46% of global warming.

  • Reduces water usage

    • Organic cotton farming uses 88% less than conventional cotton farming, reducing pressure on other water supplies. Using rain-fed water and abstaining from chemicals creates a healthy balance in the soil. This allows farmers to cultivate other crops alongside their cotton, increasing food supply and extra source of income.

  • Less exposure to hazardous chemicals and dye

    • Every year, 44% of farmers suffer from pesticide poisoning and chronic illnesses. Organic cotton farming eliminates these fatalities by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. Diversified crops are cultivated alongside cotton; the soil is also less stressed. Organic cotton also allows farmers to earn fair prices for their harvest.

  • Helps combat climate change

    • Organic cotton production promotes a healthy soil balance, facilitating a higher volume of carbon sequestration. This, in turn, helps mitigate climate change.

  • Price premiums

    • A massive advantage is the price premiums farmers gain from growing organic cotton. It incentivizes farmers to cultivate cotton using traditional methods that yield larger yields while having access to fair market compensation. 


A Quick Peek Into The Organic Cotton Market

The global demand for organic cotton is rapidly growing, earning the term preferred fiber (ecologically and socially progressive fiber). According to the latest report by the Textile Exchange, organic cotton in four years has seen an increase of 112 percent– from 118,032 tonnes in 2016/17 to 249,153 tonnes in 2019/20. In the United States, organic fiber sales have increased by 5% from the previous year reaching $2.1 billion in 2020 with organic cotton as the leading fiber. The value of organic cotton continues to soar in the US market as organic cottonseed prices range from $400-$600 per ton (compared to conventional cotton seeds’ as $180-$335 per ton).

Reasons To Choose Organic Cotton

The global demand for organic cotton is rapidly growing, earning the term preferred fiber (ecologically and socially progressive fiber). According to the latest 2022 report by the Textile Exchange, the global production of organic cotton saw a 37.37% increase from the previous year. From 249,153 tonnes in 2019–2020 to 342,265 tonnes in 2020–2021. In the United States, the organic fiber market climbed by 10% from the previous year reaching $2.3 billion in 2021, with organic cotton accounting for the majority of the sales ($2.1 billion in 2020). The value of organic cotton continues to soar in the US market as organic cottonseed prices range from $500-$700 per ton (compared to conventional cotton seeds’ as $ 225-$ 345 dollars per ton).

What Makes Conventional Cotton A Red Flag?

Conventional cotton is one of the world’s thirstiest crops, robbing about 3% of global freshwater. Its nature poses a threat to many water-scarce countries that produce it, especially in the face of global warming. 

The use of pesticides and other toxic chemicals strips the soil of its nutrients, making the soil unable to capture carbon dioxide and instead heightening carbon emissions. 

The abuse of chemicals in conventional cotton farming pollutes the rivers and oceans. Further, around 44% of cotton farmers suffer annually from pesticide poisoning,

Conventional cotton is expensive to cultivate– about $2 billion investment in pesticides every year with around $819 million worth of the toxic variant. The costly investment, plus poor cotton yields and debt, even pushes some farmers to suicide. In countries like India, the average suicide count is about 28 farmer suicides a day

Reading into these stats and facts, clearly, conventional cotton is not the right choice. 


Organic cotton is a far better alternative to conventional cotton, with the potential to reduce global warming by 46%. It consumes lesser resources and employs earth-friendlier methods to grow. The waterways also remain unpolluted because of strict prohibitions on chemicals and pesticide usage. This helps improve soil health and enhances the overall biodiversity, allowing other crops to flourish as well. And growing extra crops is beneficial to the farmers because they gain a new source of income and do not become too dependent on cotton yields alone. It also prevents exposure to poisonous pesticides. Furthermore, organic cotton is grown without Genetically Modified (GM) seeds which helps cut down farming expenses. To put it simply, organic cotton farming positively impacts our planet, uplifts the farming community, and boosts the textile industry. 

Incorporating sustainable cotton into our lives is a step towards a sustainable, healthier future— choose organic cotton! 

At Gallant, we recognize the need to use organic cotton in our products. Our private label products are made with 100% organic cotton; we make it easy for brands and companies to add your logo or artwork onto cosmetic bags, muslin bags, bulk tote bags and more. If you are in need of promotional or retail products made with organic cotton canvas, reach out to us! Our products are 100% customizable, and they will perfectly represent your brand.


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Regeneratively Grown Crops Contain Higher Levels of Nutrients